DOVE - Which is galaxy..just in america

3 March 2011

In the brief Green and Blacks mentioned 'Dove' which i had never heard of before apart from the dove cleaning stuff. So i investigated and it turns out its the american version of Galaxy. Except dove seems to be a bit more of a luxury product, compared to galaxy. So i investigated their website to see the comparisons, and although they used the same branding logo the website is different. its all about the quality of their product and how you can use it to cook and create some very unique and inspiring dishes. From sweet to savory. this is defiantly an avenue i think we should push more.  

Below are a list of simple things you can buy or create using the Dove ingredients.
They are all so elegantly shot, the photography is really nice. 

I particularly love the New sweet n smokey chocolate bbq sauce.
You look at it and immeditaly you want to try it.. or at least i do. 

They do an array of choices for adults and children to get involved in.
I think this is brilliant because it opens up to a wider market, and seeing
as we are aiming at 25-35 year olds who are starting families getting 
you kids involved in cooking activities is especially valuable. 

All the above websites show how you could actually start
a career out of loving chocolate. So becoming a chocoalteer
and how easy it is, with a step by step guide. I think this is a
brilliant idea and really shows you can turn a passion into a 
living. Again this appeals to a big audience which is great. This
is defiantly an idea i think Nick and I should investigate. 

Below are some examples of the products that Dove sell.
As you can see the packaging is very similar to that of Galaxy, the
whole velvety approach and chocolate being poured. 

I really want to try these cubes...