
12 October 2010

I did a short survey around my college to establish what students liked getting for free. I already established that students dont really like giving stuff if they dont get something back. So from that point i wanted to see what merchandise they liked getting apart from standard flyers and posters because i dont want to do that, unless its necessary. The responses i got seemed to gear towards one of special edition items. Things you would get to promote a night for example: key rings, beer top openers, magnets, tote bags etc.

They also steered me towards looking at a huge night out in Leeds called Moustache. A lot of my friends work for this night, so i went to talk to them and discuss the merchandise that they have sold and what they are planning to sell.

I like the idea of having a range of merchandise, like this but a little bit more extreme and a bit more mature. I like the simplicity of the designs and you can see they are easily transferable. Creating a brand is important to my project and i want to get he log design right. There are a variety of print processes used here: PAD, Screen printing, Heat transfer.